Bible Study
Bible Verses on Creation Care | This Bible verse guide reflects on the goodness of God's creation and redemption from the corruption of sin. (Courtesy of EarthCare Resource Guide)
Christ in Creation - Advent 2022 | Written by EEN staff, this four-week advent devotional reflects on "the hope, faith, joy, and peace" from God
himself by becoming Christ in creation.
All Things: A Bible Study from Young Evangelicals for Climate Action | God’s love for the created world courses through the very center of the Gospel story from creation to new creation. In this study, we will explore six passages - from Genesis to Revelation - and what they can teach us about our call to love and take care of the world that God loves.
Healthy Creation = Healthy Children | This Bible Study, designed for moms, includes five lessons with activities and resources for the passionate and busy mom. This study could be easily adapted for other audiences.
Christmas Lights Advent Devotional | This study, a joint effort from New Vision Renewable Energy and the Evangelical Environmental Network, explores Advent through the lens of understanding the challenges of global energy poverty.

Recommended Books
Beth Bond Memorial Book Club | Join one of the virtual book clubs EEN hosts throughout the year. Connect with and learn from others, in ministry or host a book club in your circle of influence.
Contact us at if you’re looking for a resource on a specific topic or support on books we’ve hosted book clubs on in the past. We have created downloadable discussion guides for a handful of these books that you can access here.
Host a book club at your church or in your neighborhood. Consider finding a copy of any of these books used or digitally. Potential books include:
Creation Care
Food & Food Policy Books
Caring for Our Land
Children's Books
Sustainable Business
There are a number of ways that the topic of creation care can be introduced and discussed with congregations that go beyond sermons and Sunday services. One option is to host a film screening and lead a discussion about it.
Offer a movie night and show a film and discussion. For any films that require licensing purchases, EEN can help offset costs or arrange for a free screening (contact to request support for screening a film). Potential films include:
- Dirt! The Movie
- Minimalism
- The Story of Stuff
- Food, Inc.
- Climate Conversation: Kenya
- Climate Conversation: Bangladesh
- Behold the Earth
- Virginia’s Calling
- Cowboy and Preacher (check out EEN's Discussion Guide for this film)
- From the Heartland (check out EEN's Watch Party Toolkit for this film)
A list of additional films can be found here to help you get started.
Health Resources
American Lung Association: State of the Air Report | Learn about the state of the air where you live. Search by Zip Code or look up your state report. Read key findings, view your state’s report card, see the country’s cleanest and dirtiest states, and more!
For the Health of the Nation: An Evangelical Call to Civic Responsibility | Evangelical Christians across the political spectrum have used this guide to apply biblical principles to complex issues. This resource, from the National Association for Evangelicals, is designed to encourage thoughtful evangelical engagement as we work together for the health of the nation.
Loving the Least of These: Addressing a Changing Environment | A guide from the National Association of Evangelicals on the Biblical basis for engagement, the science of a changing environment, how climate change impacts the poor, and practical ways to move forward.
Medical Research | A compilation of medical research which helps make the case for caring for God’s creation as a concrete way to love our neighbor by defending their health.
Recorded Sessions
Defend Life: How is Climate Change Hurting Children? | A discussion on the impact of pollution and climate change on vulnerable populations - especially children and pregnant moms. Dr. Landrigan is renowned for his decades of work defending children against environmental threats. Dr. Bekkar is a women’s health physician and climate activist who has done work locally and nationally.
How to Protect Your Family and God’s Creation: Harnessing Natural Resources for a Healthy Tomorrow | Addressing the climate crisis is crucial to safeguard our families’ health and our children’s future. Without bold action, more and more communities across the United States will continue to be harmed. Listen to this discussion featuring leading experts on soil, wetlands, and oceans.
Our Greatest Moral Challenge: Biblical Perspectives on the Climate Crisis | “The environment” is a part of God’s creation, of which human beings are also a part. So why should we care for God’s creation? This webinar focuses on the Biblical basis for addressing the climate crisis and features Dr. Jo Anne Lyon, General Superintendent Emerita and Ambassador of The Wesleyan Church.
Protecting the Arctic | We are called to care for God’s creation. This includes ALL of God’s creation, whether next door to us or around the world. In this webinar, learn about issues impacting the Arctic National Wildlife Refuge and Alaskan ecosystems, and discover ways that you can help.
What is God’s Creation Telling Us: Climate Science 101 | Everyone’s favorite evangelical climate scientist, Dr. Katharine Hayhoe, breaks down the Christian call to care for God’s creation, how we need to communicate to follow evangelicals about creation care, and why humans are causing climate change. There is hope in the crisis and we are called to communicate it!
Young Evangelicals Leading the Way: Meet 3 Young Christians Taking Climate Action | Check out this discussion of three young leaders in Pennsylvania, California and Connecticut who are all taking action as a part of their faith. A perfect resource for youth groups!
Children’s Curriculum
iGo Green Kids Camp/VBS Curriculum | In five lessons, kids will learn that taking care of the Earth is a way to love God and others. Designed primarily as a VBS, iGo Green can also be modified to use in other ways, such as an outreach event, kid’s worship, or midweek event.
Wild Wonder Camp Curriculum - A Rocha USA | Wild Wonder, a curriculum developed by A Rocha USA, helps parents and churches get kids outside and sparks their imaginations as they learn about God and explore the world around them.
Creation Care: For Kids | While the world watches the effects of climate change unfold on the news and in our communities, our young people are inheriting a planet marked by increased instability and a murky future. The Christian Reformed Church has assembled some tools for talking about creation care with our children.
For Educators: Grades 6-12 | This resource from the Yale Program on Climate Change Communication provides approachable materials for educators to engage youth in conversations around climate change.