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What motivates you? Moms and Children

HealthyCreation_HealthyChildren_meme_bible_study.jpgWhat motivates me is having faith that I finally have peace with the call of Jesus in my life. When I started my blog 10 years ago little did I know that the blog would become a journey of developing my spiritual muscles and becoming a voice to protect God’s creation. It has been a marvelous journey.

I feel so honored to walk alongside women and mothers in particular to help them discover the call each of us has to protect God’s most important part of creation our children. Understanding the many challenges facing the health of our children is a daunting wall of information for already over-whelmed moms and I am eternally blessed and grateful that I have been given the opportunity to help ease the way.

We have created several materials to help moms interact with their children through prayer and a free Bible study to get them past the how and why and move to the action. That’s what gets me up every day! Working with moms to create a healthier and safer place for children to thrive that’s what motivates me.

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