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Bible verse to support a Christian Witness. One Christian's personal Bible verse selection to help others explain God's relationship with us and his creation.

This is a bit late. Maybe a way bit late.

I wanted to pick a theme for 2019. Last year we focused on food waste. This year the idea has come multiple times through  conversation with multiple people and I think it’s valuable to have it here with my dear Mommas.

We are so blessed. America is an amazing country. The breadth and diversity of our land and coastlines, the abundance of all our natural resources can only be attributed to God’s divine presence as America was created.

It is the sin of man that led to the destruction of the cultures that were decimated in that process.

This week has been a lot of fun for me. I created a gratitude garden to help me focus on God’s abundant blessings during the next couple of months until the beginning of Advent.

I usually make the week of Thanksgiving my gratitude week, but celebrated Canadian Thanksgiving in British Columbia a couple of weeks ago and am so looking forward to American Thanksgiving that I thought: Why not make October and November into a season of gratitude? Perhaps you would like to join me.

Where do I encounter God in the garden at this season? is a question that has held my attention this week. Beauty, fragrance, abundance come to mind. Nothing represents these more for me than the lavender currently flourishing in my garden. It is a reflection of God to me.

Have you ever wondered what air conditioning has to do with Christian faith?  Its obviously not something that Jesus thought about so why should we get concerned?

People always ask, "What I can I do? What can I do to care for God's beautiful creation?" My answer? Here's 100 things. Maybe you can't do all 100, but you can do many.

As I prepared to post this, I reread what I had written. I hope after deepening my relationship with Christ, I am a kinder person.

As we sink into this season of focusing on creation care, we are honored to share this very thoughtful post from Dr. Lindsay Linsky. Do you find yourself frustrated with the conversation about the environment? I think Lindsay has covered it all.

We have loved seeing so many MOPs groups online show their service projects. It’s no surprise that moms are super givers! As women who have had so many blessings and hearts full of love, their care for others is touching and inspiring.

If you are looking for some new ways to serve the community or want to change things up a bit, here are some ideas that take care of God’s earth, serve your community and some even include the kids.

I was so excited to be able to stay home with my new baby, but I also knew one thing, I am a very social person.  Our modern time is not like earlier generations where you could just walk on your street with the baby in the stroller and see lots of Moms doing the same.

Our family has been looking for a meaningful way to care more for God's creation. Last year we planted milkweed for the Monarch butterflies, but this year we were ready to make a big change. Being aware of our impact on the environment was a new goal for our family, focusing on the three R’s (reduce, reuse, recycle) in our daily lives, but one area we never felt comfortable to try was composting.

As we begin our journey on reducing our food waste there is something we should confess up front to each other. No one is perfect. There will still be food waste in your life. My friend, Betsy gave me a mantra that I use every day. Progress not perfection. As Christians, we would say give yourself grace. As women and mothers in particular, there are so many self-imposed hurdles we try to do each day. Be the perfect Mom, be the perfect wife, be the perfect co-worker or stay-at-home-mom, be the perfect girl friend, and the list goes on. Now you are probably saying, “You want me to be the perfect composter?” The answer is no.

What motivates me is having faith that I finally have peace with the call of Jesus in my life. When I started my blog 10 years ago little did I know that the blog would become a journey of developing my spiritual muscles and becoming a voice to protect God’s creation. It has been a marvelous journey.

40% of the food we grow gets wasted in the US. How does that happen? Let me tell you the story of lettuce in January. Your first reaction may be wait, lettuce in winter? We instinctively know that salad in January doesn’t feel like “winter” food and yet 80% of lettuce consumed east of the Mississippi River in January, which is two-thirds of the US population.

There are really hundreds of things you can do mitigate climate change. Food waste is special it is the number three thing you can do according the Paul Hawken’s Drawdown to mitigate carbon and that’s why I chose food waste for this year.

In our post about teaching preschoolers to pray, we promised a list of Bible verses that teach about God’s relation with us, the earth and our Biblical call to protect the earth. We have compiled quite a list. The most violent verses we chose to leave out but there are still some verses here that might be too complicated for your child. Use your best discretion as a parent.

Medical researchers have discovered that people with a full robust dynamic prayer and faith life have the healthiest brains and therefore healthier lives. This so excites me because that means God designed us to be in communion with him daily.

It's foggy in Pittsburgh. It's the kind of fog that prevents you from seeing down the street, but not out your window. This creates a sense of insulation and isolation--that you're all alone in space rather than part of a large urban city.

Over a dozen women from the Pittsburgh region and around the country joined local experts and impacted community members today on an intensive tour of communities threatened by the expansion and development of the natural gas industry. The tour centered on the threats from methane and other harmful air pollutants that are leaked at every stage of natural gas production, processing, and transportation. 

Bound by a sacred responsibility to care for God’s earth and to preserve it for the next generation, Creation Care and stewardship ministries are gaining popularity worldwide. You may have heard of St. Francis of Assisi, the patron saint of ecology and animals, and might even have a statue of his likeness in your garden. He was said to have a great love of animals and the environment, and is credited for connecting caring for the poor with caring for creation, making him the father of eco-justice. But did you know that people of faith around the world of all spiritual backgrounds are answering the call to protect the earth, and faith-based statements on climate change can be found across the spectrum of religious practices?

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