Rev. Dr. Leanne Hadley

Rev. Dr. Leanne Hadley is an ordained elder in the UMC and has dedicated her entire career to working with and studying the spiritual lives of children and how spirituality can aid people of all ages in healing from trauma.
Leanne received her BA from Miami University, Oxford, OH, and received her Master of Divinity and Doctor of Ministry degrees from United Theological University.
She has worked in a variety of ministry settings as a Children’ s Hospital Chaplain, Migrant Ministry Chaplain, as the founder of a not for profit Spirituality Center for the Healing of Hurting Children and Teens, and as The Minister to Children and Families at FUMC, Colorado Springs for over 20 years.
She has authored several books including Touching Heaven: real stories of life, children and eternity, and has received several awards including The 2011 AspenPoint Mental Health Worker of the Year and the Dove of Peace award.
Leanne currently lives in Frankfort, KY and serves as an associate minister at Christ Church UM, Louisville, KY. Additionally, she works nationally and internationally as a consultant, speaker, University Professor, writer and mentor as she dedicates herself to helping congregations and organizations strengthen, develop, expand, deepen and create holistic ministries within and beyond the church walls.
Her newest ministry, Pieta, is an online spiritual community of love and compassion toward self, others, the earth and all God’s creatures.
To learn more about Pieta or to contact Leanne, please visit her website: