America's farmers and ranchers are dedicated stewards of God's creation and work tirelessly to put food on our tables. However, too many of our farm families have been hit hard this year by climate disasters and economic hardships.
As evangelicals, we are deeply concerned that the year-end supplemental spending bill currently fails to include both immediate economic assistance and bipartisan-supported conservation program investments that will unlock billions more in immediate economic aid for our farmers.
These historic conservation investments are widely supported by bipartisan House and Senate agriculture leaders, make our farmers more resilient to weather-related shocks and less reliant on ad hoc disaster aid, boost farmers’ bottom-lines, and build a resilient future that can be passed down to the next generation. That's why over 90,000 pro-life Christians have voiced their support for a conservation-forward Farm Bill this year.
We are grateful to House and Senate agriculture leaders for standing strong for our farm families and rural communities by demanding the year-end supplemental spending bill include both immediate economic farm assistance and historic long-term investments in high-demand conservation programs that will unlock billions more in immediate economic relief.
We now call on our top congressional leadership to come back to the negotiating table immediately to deliver the support our farm families, rural communities, and God’s creation need this Christmas. We cannot leave our farmers behind.