Today’s clean cars announcement by the EPA is a welcome early Christmas present for us all, delivering the gift of healthier air, more savings for Americans, and a safer climate. The new tailpipe emissions standards mean we can all breathe easier and get where we need to with less pollution. The associated fuel efficiency boost also means fewer stops at the pump and a shield for American families against rising fuel costs.
These standards, however, are long past due. The transportation sector is the largest single source of heat-trapping greenhouse gases, which feed increasing extreme climate and weather disasters across the country. Soot and smog from our cars also pollute the air around our homes and schools, threatening our children’s developing lungs, hearts, and minds.
We are grateful to Administrator Regan for prioritizing a clean transportation future. Today's clean car standards are not only the most protective seen to date, but they will also save our families and economy billions in avoided climate damages as well as fuel and health costs. While these standards only apply to new cars and passenger trucks for model years 2023-2026, we look forward to working with the EPA to extend these safeguards past 2027 and expand them to include other multi-pollutants.