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The Signing of the Bipartisan Infrastructure Bill is Good News for Our Children, Communities, and Country

The White House

As people of the Good News, we celebrate the signing of the landmark bipartisan Infrastructure Investment and Jobs Act into law today by President Biden because it is good news for our children’s health, our communities’ safety, and the financial wellbeing of our families and the economy. We thank President Biden for his leadership on this historic investment in our children’s future.

With this bill, parents will be able to rest easier knowing their children are no longer drinking water laden with neurotoxic lead or breathing air polluted with soot and diesel fumes at the school bus stop. This bill puts Americans across the country back to work with family-sustaining jobs restoring God’s creation and cleaning our air and water - jobs plugging abandoned oil and gas wells that spew toxic pollutants next to our schools and homes, cleaning up former mine lands and industrial sites, and making our communities and local businesses resilient to climate-fueled extreme weather. This bill also lays the groundwork necessary for a clean energy future, including a 21st century energy grid vital to delivering affordable and reliable renewable electricity to homes across America and a national network of electric vehicle charging stations. 

This historic bill, however, must only be the beginning for bold bipartisan climate action. In a time of sharp political division, ​this bill shows that Congress can come together against the odds to do what’s right for our country and our children’s future. It also shows that climate action can and must continue to be bipartisan.

While the bipartisan infrastructure bill is a big step toward the clean and healthy future our children deserve, the job is far from finished. We call on Congress to put differences aside and come together again to pass the Build Back Better Act and its transformative climate investments that will make our air cleaner, our communities safer, our economy stronger, and our families and neighbors healthier.

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