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Rev. Dean Van Farowe, Ohio Outreach Coordinator

Rev. Dean Van Farowe, Ohio Outreach Coordinator

The Rev. Dean Van Farowe is the Ohio Outreach Coordinator for EEN. He grew up in farm country as a pastor's kid in North Dakota and Michigan, and graduated from Northwestern College (IA) and Western Theological Seminary (MI). Dean has been the pastor of Calvary Reformed Church (RCA), a multi-ethnic urban church in Cleveland, Ohio, since the year 2000. 

Dean began Calvary Reformed's Creation Care ministry in 2019. Some of their activities include monthly Litter Pilgrimages, seasonal tree & native flower plantings, and an annual "Creation Care Kids" vbs. They have hosted two EEN Partner events in Cleveland. Dean is the co-leader of the multi-denominational West Side Creation Care Team in Cleveland, and he has a certificate in environmental ministry from McCormick Seminary (IL).

Dean and his wife Christine have been married for 21 years and have three children: a daughter who is in high school and twin sons in college. Dean enjoys playing guitar and hiking on the Buckeye Trail in Ohio.

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