For God was pleased to have all his fullness dwell in Christ, and through him to reconcile to himself all things, whether things on earth or things in heaven, by making peace through his blood, shed on the cross. – Colossians 1:19-20
Every election brings change, and this one is no different. Scripture reminds us to remain anchored in God’s truth when the winds of change come (Ephesians 4:14, James 1:6). One such anchor is the reality that our God is the God of redemption, and His unstoppable mission is bringing the restoration and reconciliation of all things in heaven and on earth. Nothing can change this.
At EEN, we also remain anchored in our mission: to love God and others by coming alongside our fellow evangelicals to rediscover and reclaim the Biblical mandate to care for creation and working together to create a safe climate and a healthy, pollution-free world for all God’s children. Thanks to the dedicated action of you and the entire EEN community, we’ve made incredible progress with historic climate and clean energy legislation and pollution safeguards that defend children’s health, protect God’s creation, and provide family-sustaining careers. Nothing will alter our commitment to continue this “good work” that God prepared for us–his handiwork created in Christ Jesus– to do (Ephesians 2:10).
However, it also remains true that we face great challenges in achieving this mission. Air choked with pollution and unpredictable climate extremes are among the great humanitarian challenges of our day and put all God’s creation and children at risk. And while our nation and the world is on the path to a brighter future because of your dedicated support over the last several years, we can’t let this positive momentum stall or be reversed.
As the election results come into greater focus, one thing is clear: to keep this momentum going, EEN’s mission, and your partnership with us in bringing this work to fruition, is more important than ever.
This vital work will require all of us working together–Republican and Democrat, conservative and progressive, young and old, rural and urban, and those across any other line that seeks to divide us. As evangelicals who serve the God who breaks down the dividing walls of hostility and creates in himself one body through the peacemaking and reconciling work of the cross (Ephesians 2:14-16), it’s time to come together for bold and hopeful action to ensure a safe climate and healthy environment where all God’s children and creation can thrive. We invite you to join us in this work as you feel led and called: in prayer, action, and giving.
Rev. Dr. Jessica Moerman, EEN President & CEO
Join us in praying for the reconciliation, redemption, and restoration of all things in heaven and on earth: “Jesus, we thank you that yours is a mission to bring abundant life to all (John 10:10) and unity among all people and things (Ephesians 1:10; Revelation 7:9) and that with you nothing is impossible (Matthew 17:20). We are grateful that you not only invite and commission us to partner with you in your redemptive work, but that you also equip us with everything we need. We pray today for the healing of our hearts, the healing of our nation, and the healing of all your Creation. Thank you that through you and by you, all things are being reconciled, redeemed, and restored.”
We also invite you to join us and our partners at the National Association of Evangelicals (NAE) in praying for our leaders, as led by NAE President Rev. Walter Kim: “As evangelical Christians we pray for all our leaders, whether they received our votes or not. With the prophet Jeremiah, we pray for the peace and prosperity of the nation in which we live (Jeremiah 29:7). We seek to live at peace with our neighbors, to speak truth to those in power, to care for those in need, to protect the vulnerable and to love all people made in God’s image, including those with whom we may have profoundly different perspectives.”
Join us on Thursday, November 14 at 12p ET to gather in fellowship, to let your voice be heard, and to call our policy makers to let them know that now is the time to keep the momentum up and stand strong for God’s creation. Register to save your spot here.
Our work would not be possible without the financial support of our community. Your contributions enable us to bring the message of creation care to new audiences, to connect with and empower advocates across the country, to meet with key decision makers, and to champion solutions that bring us closer to our shared vision for God’s creation.
As we enter the year-end season of giving and generosity, we invite you to consider donating to EEN to help us continue to run the race before us no matter what the future holds. Your partnership can make a powerful difference! Click here to donate.