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Rooted in Faith and in Soil

a person holding a handful of soil in one hand and a small tablet in the other, green plants on a farm in the background

Farmers are called to be the shepherds of God's creation. As a seventh-generation farmer from Iowa, I hold this calling very closely and try to embody it on my farm and in my business at Continuum Ag. On the farm, my family has been very focused on improving soil health. We've been using no-till since 1978, cover crops since 2013, and use an array of other soil health-building tactics. We've seen great success, and we feel that we are shepherding God's creation all the way down to microscopic organisms that flourish in healthy soils. 

Today, farmers are being called to scale up the adoption of regenerative practices that build soil health. At Continuum Ag, we're helping farmers add metrics to this process, specifically to quantify their Carbon Intensity(CI) Score. A CI Score is a unit of measure utilized by the U.S. Department of Energy to quantify the carbon footprint of fuels and the products that are utilized as feedstocks to produce fuels. Namely, we are helping farmers quantify the Carbon Intensity of their corn and soybean farming operations. 

Farmers can go to, fill out a quick farm profile, and easily attain their CI Score. We'll be sharing more about this in our upcoming webinar with EEN, but getting your score is really easy and is the key way to start understanding Carbon Intensity. As the world looks to decarbonize and as governments look to enable the decarbonization of biofuels, farmers are at the forefront leading the charge.  Farmers can decarbonize their agricultural processes, leading to a decarbonized supply chain utilizing their agricultural products.

Farmers are called to shepherd God's creation. We're excited at Continuum Ag to provide data that tell this story, in order to drive financial opportunities to farmers who are doing a great job caring for God's creation.


Mitchell Hora is the CEO of Continuum Ag.


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