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So Much More to Caring for Creation

People assisting children with crafts at Indy Creation Fest tables

My name is Shiloh, I am a wife and a mom, and someone who cares deeply for God’s creation. The last few years, God has really shown me that caring for creation is what he has called me to do. I feel especially called to advocate for creation and to educate others on what caring for this earth looks like. I like sharing this with everyone but feel especially drawn to encouraging the church to do so. I want people to see why we should care and to feel empowered to make little changes in their lives because it is the little changes we make individually that can make huge impacts. 

Growing up, we recycled and composted; I would say that is how my journey with caring for creation started. I shared my passion for the environment with others, encouraged others to recycle; but then I began to realize that while recycling was good, little of what we recycled actually gets recycled, especially plastics. I began realizing that there was so much more to caring for creation. I have learned so much the last several years and continue to learn more and more about how so many things are impacting the earth negatively. Our oceans, forests, species, entire ecosystems, and subsequently all of humanity are being so negatively impacted by what seems like many people’s disregard for how what we do impacts this entire planet. 

Our family has become passionate about working toward decreasing our waste in general and sharing about that. We compost, we recycle, and we try to limit the waste we produce and plastic usage especially; we shop second-hand a lot and think about our water and energy consumption. Also, my husband and I made the decision almost 7 years ago to be vegan. We mostly did it for environmental reasons initially after watching a documentary, but now it is so much more than that. Animal welfare is another area of creation care I am passionate about as well. I believe God asks us to care for His creation including every animal he created. So now, we continue to be vegan for multiple reasons. 

Last year when I was asked about being part of the planning team for Indy Creation Fest it was an easy yes, and I am so glad I did it. I love being able to share my passion for caring for creation and to also work alongside those who are also passionate about it. I have loved helping plan and create an event encouraging people to think about what they are doing in their own lives and to provide them with practical things they can do to begin to make small changes that positively impact the earth. 

Planning Indy Creation Fest has been great, but I also got to set up a table the last two years for the event sharing about sustainable living. We were able to offer free samples of some products that we use and share about other things we do to reduce our environmental impact. I had so many wonderful conversations and left encouraged. I also loved being able to put together raffle baskets filled with sustainable products. I am excited to continue to be a part of Indy Creation Fest and see how it continues to grow. We love bringing people, churches, and organizations together to learn, connect, and share about God’s call for all of us to care for His creation. I am excited to see how God continues using Indy Creation Fest to positively impact His creation.

I want to end with a quote from the book Serve God, Save the Planet by Matthew Sleeth. May it bring you some encouragement. 

“God’s beautiful earth will not be saved by words or good intentions. It will be saved by humble, anonymous acts like turning off the lights, hanging clothing on the line, bicycling to work, and planting trees. People who are grateful for God’s abundant gifts, people of faith who are not afraid to be held accountable for care of his creation will save it.”

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