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EEN Applauds Chair Joe Manchin

The Evangelical Environment Network (EEN) applauds Chair Joe Manchin, his energy staff, and Senators Lisa Murkowski (R-AK), Steve Daines (R-MT), and Bill Cassidy (R-LA) for their bipartisan support in advancing the almost $100 billion energy infrastructure package yesterday. 

“While the package isn’t all that is needed for the climate, there are significant provisions that will drive climate action, especially the $4.7 billion for plugging orphaned oil and gas wells that spew harmful pollution, and investment in significant energy research. The increased funding for well plugging and abandoned mine reclamation projects will help to clean up God’s creation and spur family sustaining jobs. As a Pennsylvania resident and native, I know that we need to transition to a clean energy economy and this is a needed step on the pathway to a healthy, safe future,” said The Rev. Mitch Hescox, EEN’s President.

West Virginians, Pennsylvanians, and all Americans should be proud of Chairman Manchin’s leadership in negotiating this start to the bipartisan infrastructure package. It’s a good beginning but we can and must do more to avoid the worst of the climate crisis and support real, family sustaining incomes for all in a clean energy economy.

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