The Evangelical Environmental Network proudly supports and applauds the naming of Gina McCarthy as President-elect Biden’s Domestic Climate Coordinator. EEN has a long history working with Ms. McCarthy to defend children’s health from pollution and climate threats throughout the last decade.
One of Ms. McCarthy’s outstanding skills is the ability to work with a vast array of communities and stakeholders. From environmental justice communities to evangelicals, like us, she values differences, listens well, and has a demonstrated commitment to finding ways to incorporate a variety of viewpoints into her decisions and actions. She can reach across both the pew and the aisle effectively – a much-needed skill towards healing the divisions our Nation currently faces.
EEN may not agree with Ms. McCarthy on everything, but we respect her because she respects us. It will be our honor to work alongside Ms. McCarthy in achieving our common goals – guided by Scripture and by the moral implications of scientific findings – to overcome the climate crisis, defend our children’s health, overcome environmental racism, support a just transition for fossil fuel workers, and help create a clean energy economy that supplies family-sustaining jobs for all.