My interest in environmental issues started early with my fascination with science. I soon recognized the amazing complexity, yet fragility, of our universe. As I have studied scripture over the years, I have come to firmly believe that foundational to being obedient to the Creator is to love and protect His creation. My commitment to the cause has considerably increased in the past few years as I have come to learn about the urgency of climate change.
I have tried to put my faith into action in several ways. I have always tried to minimize my environmental impact through recycling, choosing fuel-efficient vehicles, seeking out ways to make my home more energy efficient, and supporting companies that also focus on reducing their environmental impact.
I have recently become much more engaged by joining my church’s Creation Care ministry. I have been very involved in starting a community garden, which is coupled with the church’s food pantry. The goal is to both provide fresh, healthy food to the clients of the food pantry and to show the surrounding neighborhood the joys and benefits of caring for nature.
I believe my greatest impact, though, will be through Creation Care advocacy. Being recently retired, I hope to leverage my long career working for and with federal, state, and local governments to make my voice heard. As an EEN Creation Care Champion, I have submitted comments to my Senators and Representative, have testified twice on Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) proposed rules, and have published a well-received Letter to the Editor in my local newspaper, which included receiving a hand-written note from Senator Sherrod Brown thanking me for speaking out.
I plan to continue and expand these efforts. I steadfastly believe that by respectively and consistently speaking out about our concerns, Christians can influence how environmental challenges are addressed and embolden our fellow Christian brothers and sisters to also raise their voices.